


[International kikisake-shi] Japanese sake selection-3 "Daishinshu"


This article is English version of the article.


Notebook of 100 kinds of Japanese sake. What is the next after Furosen?
I introduce "Maruniboichi".


The contents

  • Information about Brewery
  • Impression of drinking "Daishinshu Karakuchi Tokubetsu Junmaishu"
  • Personal evaluation of "Daishinshu Karakuchi Tokubetsu Junmaishu"


Reliability of this article

I got the certificate of international kikisake-shi in January 2016.
I drink about 200ml of Japanese sake every night to train my tongue.

日本酒 おすすめ


[International kikisake-shi] Japanese sake selection-3 "Daishinshu"


I tweeted below.


【Nihonshu】Daishinshu Karakuch Junmaishu(5>1 evaluation)
When I opened, I heard the sound of bubble released even though the sake was pasteurized. Smells fresh, like muscat, sharp taste. I will introduce more detail tomorrow with my blog.


No.3 in the Notebook of Japanese sake is about "Daishinshu".


Japanese sake brand "Daishinshu": 1 minute explanation

日本酒 銘柄 種類 正面


”Daishinshu” is a brand name made by Daishinshu Inc. located in Nagano prefecture.

They purchase brown rice to check the quality and to polish it by themselves, not buying polished one.


Today, Daishinshu that I bought is “Karakuchi Tokubetsu Junmaishu”. The ingredient of rice is made in the same prefecture (Nagano), contracted base grown. Regarding water, it comes from the northern Japan Alps, soft water.


They make koji by hand and ferment the moromi for a long period under cold temperature. It takes a lot of time and effort.


Brewery Information


The brewery is Daishinshu Inc. founded in 1888. The headquarters are Matsumoto in Nagano prefecture where it takes about 11minutes from Matsumoto-station by car. There is a sake shop next to it. Their factory is in Toyono in Nagano prefecture, too.


All the rice they purchase is unpolished one in order to check the quality by themselves. After the quality check, they polish the rice in their factory.


They go to get snowmelt water from the northern Japan Alps.


Efficiency and homogenization of taste by machinery is not what they want. They think that hand made with a lot of experience brings break-through in taste.


They announced to invest additional brewing building and distillery. The investment is 640million yen.

Brewery Daishinshu Brewery
Establishment 1889
Address 2380, Shimadachi, Matsumoto, Nagano
TEL 0263-47-0895
Annual production volume



Japanese sake brand: Daishinsu Karakuchi Tokubetsu Junmaishu

日本酒 銘柄 種類 正面


This is the Japanese sake that I bought (1,800ml). Although the sake was pasteurized in production, it was stored in a refrigerator in a store.


The cap has been sealed.

日本酒 大信州 上から


After removing the seal, “Daishinshu” appears.

日本酒 銘柄 種類 上から2


This is the back label.

日本酒 銘柄 種類 label


At first, drink it at cold temperature.

日本酒 銘柄 種類 冷酒注ぎ
日本酒 銘柄 種類 刺身と


When opend it, I heard the sound of gas released. Actually, this sake had been pasteurized to kill yeast but it is fresh, surprised...


Not strong, but smells like muscat.

If I had a blinders on, I would misunderstood "Ginjoshu".


It is very dry and sharp


Next, drink at room temperature.


Wow! Once I put it into my tongue, it is immediately yummy. Sweetness, acidity, bitterness and umami are tangled as a block.


Warm it and drink

日本酒 銘柄 種類 okan poring
日本酒 銘柄 種類 okan


Warm up to 45℃...


Oh, it becomes tasty, deep taste. It is widespread quickly into my mouth and gone also quickly.


I prefer 40℃(Nurukan) to 45 ℃(Jokan) because I feel that it is more tasty. The taste in Jokan is a bit weaker and watery than Nurukan.


Product name Daishishu Karakuchi Tokubetsu Junmaishu
Place Nagano prefecture
Type Tokubetsu Junmaishu
Polishing rate 70%
Rice Made in Nagano (contracted base)
Nihonshu-do About +8
Acidity About 1.6
Amino acid content -
Shubo 速醸
Alcohol 16度
Production date 2019年12月
Sake brewer -
Price 2,750円(1,800ml)
Amazon なし


Japanese brand: Daishinshu Karakuchi Tokubetsu Junmaishu [Evaluation]




This sake is clear like "Ginjoshu"

The taste is not only dry, but also rich.


Acidity is strong but it is gone shortly. I drink it again without thinking.{/st-kaiwa2]


If you find it, please try it^^


日本酒 銘柄 種類 ODAN




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